Welcome to JREE Environment Limited

JREE Environment Limited (JEL) is a local limited company duly registered under laws of Tanzania with registration number 159015726. JREE Environment Limited (JEL) is a company that provides environmental solutions and services to several of its clients.

What We Do

Weather Station Solutions

JREE Environment Ltd offers advanced weather station solutions sourced from Weathershop.co.za, providing comprehensive

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Dust Suppression Solutions

JREE Environment Ltd offers advanced dust suppression equipment, including atomized mist systems, soil stabilization products, and polymer

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Inspection Camera

JREE Environment Ltd offers advanced inspection camera equipment designed for high-definition visual inspections in industrial and environmental

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TSF Solutions

JREE Environment Ltd offers comprehensive solutions for tailing storage facility instrumentation design,

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Transportation Services

We offer a comprehensive range of transportation services tailored to meet the diverse needs of our customers.

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Our Products

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Mattis ipsum dolor sit amet, vesena tomosi elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus ned semper sit amet, sollicitudin vitae nibh moresa at magna eu augue semper. Contact us today!

Our Clients

JREE Environment ltd has worked with a range of clients, in a variety of industries, to help them create a sustainable company, these include;